Bergh Farm
Oct 14, 2019

Who: Travis & Cynthia Bergh Farm
What: Corn, Soybeans
Where: Havana, ND
How did you get started?
Travis grew up on the family farm just east of Havana, ND. The Bergh farm has been around for over 130 years and Travis grew up on the farm where they originally homesteaded. Cynthia also grew up on a farm in North Dakota – only in Garrison. They met through mutual friends in Fargo and ended up moving back to the Havana family farm.
Where are you now?
Travis and Cynthia have three children: Payton, Hudson, and Addi. In addition to the busyness of their kids’ schedules, Cynthia does the books for the farm, helps with fall tillage, and is involved with Supporters of Education. Along with the farming operation, Travis owns MBT Trucking and is also the Mayor of Havana. “He has always been helpful. He’ll do lots of projects for the town. He really enjoys helping people!”
The Berghs have a good group of employees, both full time and seasonal. Aaron Bergh is full time with the Berghs and Ron Bergh works seasonally. Paul, Travis’s dad, is also around quite frequently. “He’s great to have around. He loves working on projects and likes to be organized. He helps run the combine, does tillage in the fall, etc.” Tom Mason is also around to help drive truck in the fall and is part owner of MBT Trucking with Travis. “They’re all so great,” Cynthia comments on their much-appreciated help, “We really couldn’t do this without all of them.”
How Have Things Changed?
“When I grew up, we had mostly wheat and grew a little corn to feed cattle. Now, we don’t have any livestock and we don’t have any wheat. We’re strictly corn and soybeans.” Although there have been several major changes throughout Travis’s farming career, a few major changes stand out. “Technology. Everything from site-specific application of fertilizer and seed to autosteer to automatic shutoffs. It has made life a lot simpler. I used to do everything by hand, and now we’re so much more efficient because of technology.”
The Beauty of Farming
Both Travis and Cynthia agree that there is a relaxing feeling about being in the field during fall harvest. “There’s just something about being in the field, where everything else melts away. It definitely takes away the mental strain of farming. Harvest is the best time of year.”
A huge thank you to Travis and Cynthia Bergh for being our Producer of the Month!
We wish you a safe and prosperous harvest and look forward to continuing to work with you!
What: Corn, Soybeans
Where: Havana, ND
How did you get started?
Travis grew up on the family farm just east of Havana, ND. The Bergh farm has been around for over 130 years and Travis grew up on the farm where they originally homesteaded. Cynthia also grew up on a farm in North Dakota – only in Garrison. They met through mutual friends in Fargo and ended up moving back to the Havana family farm.
Where are you now?
Travis and Cynthia have three children: Payton, Hudson, and Addi. In addition to the busyness of their kids’ schedules, Cynthia does the books for the farm, helps with fall tillage, and is involved with Supporters of Education. Along with the farming operation, Travis owns MBT Trucking and is also the Mayor of Havana. “He has always been helpful. He’ll do lots of projects for the town. He really enjoys helping people!”
The Berghs have a good group of employees, both full time and seasonal. Aaron Bergh is full time with the Berghs and Ron Bergh works seasonally. Paul, Travis’s dad, is also around quite frequently. “He’s great to have around. He loves working on projects and likes to be organized. He helps run the combine, does tillage in the fall, etc.” Tom Mason is also around to help drive truck in the fall and is part owner of MBT Trucking with Travis. “They’re all so great,” Cynthia comments on their much-appreciated help, “We really couldn’t do this without all of them.”
How Have Things Changed?
“When I grew up, we had mostly wheat and grew a little corn to feed cattle. Now, we don’t have any livestock and we don’t have any wheat. We’re strictly corn and soybeans.” Although there have been several major changes throughout Travis’s farming career, a few major changes stand out. “Technology. Everything from site-specific application of fertilizer and seed to autosteer to automatic shutoffs. It has made life a lot simpler. I used to do everything by hand, and now we’re so much more efficient because of technology.”
The Beauty of Farming
Both Travis and Cynthia agree that there is a relaxing feeling about being in the field during fall harvest. “There’s just something about being in the field, where everything else melts away. It definitely takes away the mental strain of farming. Harvest is the best time of year.”
A huge thank you to Travis and Cynthia Bergh for being our Producer of the Month!
We wish you a safe and prosperous harvest and look forward to continuing to work with you!